My Eyeses - II

The first one stopped working. And I had this urge to write again. Hence this. Hope this one pleases you as much as the previous one.

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Thursday, May 01, 2003
Hey Folks..close to one year since I wrote in here and I think my blog might have gotten around to missing me sometime at least. Not that my life has been uneventful or anything like that, in fact, it's been quite on the contrary actually..running like never before..the million assignments and exams and presentations (not really a million but those who know about Saggi exaggerations..will understand?..:-)..Wrote a couple of poems, a trifle abstract and complex and both incidentally during two boring MBA lectures( with due apologies to my profs if they're reading this too)..and a lot of mails too (God save those who got them though but I thought they asked for it..but if God's comes my apology..:-)..sorry dudes..) and I think I'll come up with some glossary kinda manual to help my readers read my stuff..which include some million highly customised short-forms and abbreviations n I know the pain ppl go thru to understand them..;-). Also on the cards is this book I'm planning to write on my experiences in Mumbai..aptly to be titled as "Of Bhelpuri and Vada Pav"...or something similar. Suggestions are of course welcome..

But right now, a brief intro to wht I am about to write. For those who've missed out the action in my life, I'm right now in Mumbai, doing my summer training in an esteemed company (I think the name's to be kept a per professional standards or something!!). I have this bunch of people who are with me from the elite B-Schools in India and who thankfully are not the obnoxious and snobbish kinds. rather, they are these enthusiasitc and awesomely funny chaps and chappettes (sorry Wren n Martin..but had to invent a word..!)...n am having a whale of a time with them...I guess thts it for now...

"Those who said money can't buy happiness, didn't know where to shop"