My Eyeses - II

The first one stopped working. And I had this urge to write again. Hence this. Hope this one pleases you as much as the previous one.

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Friday, November 14, 2003
Its been ages again..since I wrote here but this time am bk wth a simple lil poem...its titled "IN THE CLASS (Thoughts of a non-absentee)"...n it goes..

My eyelids are drooping, the twain yearning to meet,
my breaths now come as gasps, with a threatening-to-stop heartbeat

Learning's supposed to be on, knowledge sharing in full sway,
but all I can do is helplessly yawn, begging my sleepiness to just go away..

I try to take a trip out of the class, only in the mind although,
the exuberant calls of life beckoning me, if only I could go..

My mind wanders from shore to shore,
embarking on a cheerful voyage of its own,
But then sir drones on all the more,
and my mind falls back with an agonized groan.

My head lolls from side to side, my eyes start to water,
and I look around the class, seeking solace from an empathetic another

Some are trying to keep their eyes open,
some have resigned to their fate,
this is one class where even the most punctual wishes
he were an hour and a half late..

Slides, slides and some more slides, and the saga continues thus
but no one can disinterest a populace in
as charming a manner as he does.

And a poem this has become but by me,and hence end in a prayer it should,
I hope God shows us a way to stand this class,
but I secretly wonder if even HE could..

With due respect to the prof whose class inspired me to write this...some things are just TOO Borin...